Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Fantastic feature on Bastards of Fate on the Phrequency blog!

Engrossing, weird, melodramatic pop

Much as their name suggests, Roanoke, VA’s The Bastards of Fate were born from the unholy union of musical curiosity and circumstance. Formed in 2006 by musical madman Doug Cheatwood, the band encountered many a setback early on: some their own fault (pulling a Black Lips and getting banned from venues), some the fault of cruel, cruel fate (their practice space being burned to the ground; their van being robbed.) But just as David defeated Goliath (and that girl from the Hunger Games killed all those other people in the Hunger Games), they preserved—beating the odds and creating a debut record that’s warm, fuzzy, and super (awesomely) weird.

That record is called Who’s a Fuzzy Buddy and really, “weird” doesn’t do it justice. Combining elements of new wave, indie pop, psychedelia and more, Fuzzy Buddy teems with sly pop hooks and eclectic sound effects: shrieks, crashes, wind blowing through trees, car doors slamming, babies crying—resulting in something totally new, and strangely accessible.

Read the rest HERE.

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