A great night was had by all this past weekend at the Don Giovanni label showcase--a sold-out Bowery Ballroom was also full of press peeps who are still freaking out about the night!
Check out Prefix's great photos, including this one by Jonathan Lyman!
From the NY PRESS:
"This is rock with all the fat shaved off, just a diminutive woman in a purple dress and her cohorts showing how effective this kind of music can still be when it’s pared down to its raw, bloody essence. Like Jake Orrall, Paternoster feels like a star in the making. The members of Screaming Females are a brutally efficient machine at this stage in the game, and it still feels like their best is yet to come."
about Shellshag, they said:
"The two set up facing each other, with Johnny hidden behind a mop of hair and throwing himself all over the stage, while Jen bashed away at her basic kit and beamed and exchanged high-fives with the crowd. The band’s infectious take on fuzzed-up primal pop harks back to K Records artists like Mecca Normal and Beat Happening, while also recalling long-forgotten New York duo Guv’ner. A cover of Liz Phair’s “Fuck and Run” even sparked the bedraggled crowd into life, pulling off that rare feat of enlivening an audience who were coming to the end of a long, hard but deeply enjoyable night."
"This is a big fucking deal. "--The End of Irony
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