Tuesday, May 17, 2011

RCRD LBL premiers the lead single from Street Eaters' "Rusty Eyes and Hydrocarbons"

"Tell me why I thought of Sonic Youth when first hearing Street Eaters. They're a two piece, which is a testament to their musical ability, and much more straight forward punk than noise (they lack a guitar, after all), but there is something about the energy in this song. Drum-driven and out for a cause, “Nation Builder” contains definite traces of the Gilman-era pop punk on which the East Bay natives were raised. Duel vocals and spirited bass drive a track that never loses steam, a sort of Shellshag/Liars hybrid that pulls you in with ease. Sure to be a solid debut, grab LP Rusty Eyes & Hydrocarbons, out July 12 on Bakery Outlet and long-time favorite Plan-It-X." Grab "Nation Builder" from RCRD LBL now!

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